Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tis the season to be Dea

Do two dea's make a right? Or does it just mean that dea's are attracted to the queen of dea. I mean really, look at the hat, I know she is an easy target but her deaness makes her an easy target. And for the rest of you in line over there, really, you had nothing better to do than stand in that line all day to have this dea woman sign her dea book so that you can give it to someone else dea for Christmas? Really?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


"It's all about me man. Why don't you go ahead and take care of the rest so I can complain about it."

The very mention of their "life philosophy" has the effect of the brown note on me.

Guys with ponytails.

"Hello ladies, I'm sophisticated, sensitive and edgy."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Community organizer

Obama struggles to strike a health care deal palatable to all sides.
President Obama finds himself stuck between a rock and a hard place, going round and round in a dizzying cycle of give and take that doesn't seem to be advancing his top domestic priority. "When I was a community organizer it was much easier," responds Obama, "but, dammit, I did it. I got it done. Distributing brochures door to door was not easy either. I can do this. I know I can." Joe Cox, pictured above is also a community organizer. "It's tough. It's a tough, touch calling and I could probably do more, " says Cox, "Afterall, Obama was a community organizer. Maybe I can be president too."

Monday, August 17, 2009

A True Champion.

One of the great masters of dea. He truly makes it effortless. For David, the very act of breathing is loaded with dea-ness.
In the predawn of our shared history, there were moments, as our forbears pushed north, that banding scraps of animal fur to your feet and legs with roots and grasses made sense.

Today, paying $150 dollars to achieve the same aesthetic effect while on your way to Starbucks for a skinny soy macadamia nut latte in the warm embrace of a 75 degree day does not.

Security Guards

We've all made some bad decisions in life there are only a few that have uniforms to declare it to the world.
Being really good at something doesn't magically elevate that pass time into "sportdom." In fact, the ease with which your every friend and neighbor also excel at the game is probably a sure sign that you are practicing a "hobby."

Nor will putting together an official sounding organization like: dissipate the nagging suspicion that spending inordinate amounts of time improving these "skills" makes you an oxygen bandit. As it happens, insisting that frisbee golf is anything more than a "neat" way to kill a couple of hours makes you dea.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I love this self-congratulatory group of neo-luddites. You know, the biker-guy who feels it is worth "braving" the rush hour commute atop his mighty velocipede so that he might spare our coding Gaia 30 minutes of exhaust from his gas-sipping Prius.

Absent from his pristine conscience, as he announces (smugly) to the office that he "pedaled in" despite last night's blizzard, is any concern for the hundreds of motorists who idled needlessly in traffic or careened into ditches to avoid stopping (messily and abruptly) his stilted progress to the office.

Also dea:
-His embrace of his natural musk.
-The "Air America" sticker on his helmet.
-He owns Wisconsin Power stock but makes up for it with carbon offsets and
-see post above.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chiropractors: when Dea becomes dangerous

Chiropractors are not just dea, they are dea-gerous. That is, they are beyond dea because they are dangerous.