Thursday, August 13, 2009


I love this self-congratulatory group of neo-luddites. You know, the biker-guy who feels it is worth "braving" the rush hour commute atop his mighty velocipede so that he might spare our coding Gaia 30 minutes of exhaust from his gas-sipping Prius.

Absent from his pristine conscience, as he announces (smugly) to the office that he "pedaled in" despite last night's blizzard, is any concern for the hundreds of motorists who idled needlessly in traffic or careened into ditches to avoid stopping (messily and abruptly) his stilted progress to the office.

Also dea:
-His embrace of his natural musk.
-The "Air America" sticker on his helmet.
-He owns Wisconsin Power stock but makes up for it with carbon offsets and
-see post above.

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