Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Mullet Cliche

There is already so much time dedicated to mullets on various websites (e.g. and virally circulated things that I want to avoid an onslaught of mullet postings. But I have to post this example because it ascends mulletitude (the attitude that is behind a mullet) to a whole new level of dea. Of course, mullets in and of themselves are dea. But, the idea that so many people are aware of them now and yet still people choose this "lifestyle-hairstyle" is amazing to me. It is almost as if the art of the mullet imitates life. A mullet is in a way defiance and the wearer is defiant. Here, the mulleteer proclaims "I am wearing a hair piece and a male thong and a mullet. Nothing will stop me." Many boundaries are crossed here. It almost shouldn't be mentioned that he probably shaves all of his body hair and freely discusses his Brazillian wax as if it just another haircit. The fact that there are children on this beach is alarming too.

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