Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Recliner Bikes (submitted from email)

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Let's discuss those guys that ride past you on the bike trail on those "ergo" bikes, the ones that recline back? usually they're men between the ages of 43 and 55, thin,slightly balding, possibly closet homosexuals or at least have thought about another man's penis, are moderately successful but extremely dea and think they are being really clever. they actually kind of look like they might be kind of fun to ride and yet the very thought of climbing on one of those and riding around town makes me shiver in deaness. it's not quite as dea as the country club manor type 19-27 year olds who ride on those short dirt bikes but maybe dea-er because the latter is at least just white trash while the former is just plain dea and should know better...

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